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Barbórka 2016
Barbórka 2016
11 December 2016

Barbórka 2016

In Poland, the fourth of December is, on the one hand, a name day for ladies with the popular name of Barbara and, on the other hand, a day of all miners whose patron saint Saint Barbara has been for ages. The “Kowala” limestone mine is an important part and source of raw material for the cement mill in Nowiny. The mill employees have the status of miners. That is why, every year we have been solemnly celebrating this day. It is also an important event for the local community. As this year the holiday fell on a day-off, we celebrated it on Friday, December 2. As it is customary, we were visited by children from the local kindergarten and nearby schools, a holy mass was said, and the “Beer Inn” was organised.

The Barbórka celebrations in the Dyckerhoff Polska facility started with the visit of children from kindergarten in Nowiny. They were welcomed by our miners in full formal uniforms. The small visitors recited poems, sang songs and delivered a short theatrical performance. Next, there was the visit of older children from three nearby schools. The children had a more extensive artistic programme, and offered greetings for the coming year to the Management Board and all employees, our miners in particular. All children received sweets and small gifts. The tradition of children's visits in our facility dates back almost to the time of establishment of the cement mill. This custom allows the younger generation to learn about our facility. Children like to visit us a lot, and most of them declare that they want to work as miners in the future. What is interesting is that many of the kindergarten and school pupils are the children of our employees.

The next stage of celebrating Saint Barbara's day is a traditional holy mass in the local church. The miners who are present at the mass receive their blessing and wishes of safe work in the next year. After the church celebrations, the employees go to the traditional “Beer Inn.” It is another very old Polish tradition. According to the custom, the event is addressed only to the male part of the staff where the employees and invited guests watch a traditional artistic programme and socialise with a glass of beer in hand. Every year the beer inn is attended by the representatives of local authorities who are always pleased to take part in this event. It is an element of building mutual cooperation and good relations.