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Barbórka w dobie pandemii
Barbórka in the age of pandemics
04 December 2020

Barbórka in the age of pandemics

St. Barbara's Day was celebrated in an unusual way at Dyckerhoff Polska. The Covid 19 pandemic did not allow for a traditional meeting of miners. The company management wanted to emphasize the importance of that day and keep the tradition alive, so they chose an unusual but interesting solution.

The guests who usually grace the ceremonial meeting received from the company a so-called miner's package. It consisted of two "Miner's" beers together with an occasional tankard, a CD with Grzegorz Poloczek's works, who was to host Barbórka this year, and wishes from the company's Management Board. Everything was wrapped in company packaging and sent to potential participants of the celebration.

In this way the company wanted to maintain the beautiful mining tradition in these difficult times and ensure good relations with its stakeholders.