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National Labour Inspectorate (NLI) Award
National Labour Inspectorate (NLI) Award
28 November 2018

National Labour Inspectorate (NLI) Award

DYCKERHOFF Polska – Cementownia Nowiny Sp. z o.o. was granted a prestigious award in a contest organised by the National Labour Inspectorate called “Employer – Organiser of Safe Work”. Our company’s enormous contribution to the improvement of working and safety conditions was appreciated.

On 27 November, the Royal Castle in Warsaw hosted the chairmen of the largest trade unions in Poland, namely Jan Guz of the All-Poland Alliance of Trade Unions (OPZZ) and Piotr Duda of Solidarity, who presented us with congratulation letters. We were the  only business from among those who had received distinctions which were distinguished in such a manner. It was appreciated that Dyckerhoff Polska cared not only about the high level of safety, but also about developing a friendly atmosphere in labour relations. The Cup of the OPZZ Chairman was collected by Robert Latos, representative of the in-house’s trade union organisation.

- We are happy that our efforts aimed at improving the working conditions were recognized and our endeavours to create a friendly working atmosphere in our plant were acknowledged. We’re proud of those achievements and we intend to continue along those paths in the future – commented the company’s General Director Krzysztof Kieres.

During the ceremonious Gala, organised by the National Labour Inspectorate under the honorary patronage of Speaker of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland Marek Kuchciński, the Halina Krahelska awards were presented in the form of the “Mecum Tutissimus Ibis” statuette for the winners of the contest called “Employer – Organiser of Safe Work” and the best In-house Labour Inspectors received distinctions. The granting awards and distinctions was performed in the presence of representatives of Poland’s President, the parliament, government, authorities supervising and controlling labour conditions, representatives of scientific circles, associations active in the field of labour protection, trade unions, and organisations of employers.

It is the 25th time that the contest called “Employer – Organiser of Safe Work” has rewarded the best employees who especially distinguish themselves in terms of working safety standards and caring about the health and lives of employees.

The winners receive the statuette of “Mecum Tutissimus Ibis” – “Ze mną będziesz najbezpieczniejszy” (With me you will be safer) and are entered in the “Złota Lista Pracodawców” (Golden List of Employers). The decision is taken by the Chief Labour Inspector upon request of the contest’s Chapter, in which, next to jurors from the National Labour Inspectorate, there are representatives of organisations of employers and trade unions.

Photo gallery
Presentation of awards by Chief Labour Inspector