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Employee Capital Plans at Dyckerhoff Polska
Employee Capital Plans at Dyckerhoff Polska
02 September 2019

Employee Capital Plans at Dyckerhoff Polska

Dyckerhoff Polska is an employer that has been developing long-term relations with its employees. Therefore, as early as 1 August 2019, as one of the first in Poland, the company signed an agreement with PKO TFI to manage its employee capital plan (ECP).

Furthermore, the shareholders of Dyckerhoff, upon the request of the Management Board, expressed their consent to increase the company’s contribution as an employer from the statutory amount of 1.5% to 2% of the gross monthly income of ECP. Our company takes over the responsibility for current social challenges, therefore this measure aims at supporting employees in building their capital for their future old age pensions more quickly.

In addition, our company is the first employer in Poland that has made settlements of payments and deductions for the ECP using the SAP Payroll system.

It was our employees, who checked, verified, made comments and reported corrections that are used by all other employers in Poland operating in the SAP environment.

SAP Polska congratulated and thanked us for the support during the development of the SAP platform for ECP calculations.

We are convinced that the involvement of Dyckerhoff Polska Sp z o.o. in Employee Capital Plans will have a positive impact on the sense of safety of our employees and will make it easier for them to allocate funds for their future. Additionally, we wish our company to be perceived as a stable, attractive, and socially responsible employer.


Agnieszka Krupa
HR and Administration Department