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Co-operation to contain spreading SARS-CoV-2
Co-operation to contain spreading SARS-CoV-2
23 March 2020

Co-operation to contain spreading SARS-CoV-2

Ladies and Gentlemen,

In view of the dynamic situation related to countering the spread of SARS-CoV-2 in Poland, please be informed that the health of the employees and their families is of top priority for Dyckerhoff Polska. Bearing the wellbeing of the employees in mind, a number of various precautious measures have been undertaken in the company and the business operations have been adjusted to the requirements of safety and security and the regulatory guidelines.

Under the current situation, Dyckerhoff Polska has been obliged to introduce special solutions in terms of work organisation. The Head Office of Dyckerhoff GmbH has issued a special message with a number of recommendations. The guidelines included in the document have allowed appropriate measures to be undertaken and the manner of how to proceed in the company has been streamlined.

Presently, business is continuing as usual. Dyckerhoff Polska does not envisage any issues concerning production, provision of services and deliveries to customers. If a large number of employees are absent or constrains in travel or road transportation are introduced, customers shall be immediately notified about possible delays in deliveries or the conclusion of contracts.

Krzysztof Kieres
General Manager