
CANADUR for Filling of Trenches
29 January 2018

CANADUR for Filling of Trenches

CANADUR for filling of trenches

The trenches excavated for the pipes of a new combined heat and power plant in Mainz are filled with liquid soil (Flüssigboden) from Dyckerhoff.

The Mainz-Wiesbaden AG power plant is building a new combined heat and power plant in Mainz, which is expected to go into operation in 2018. For the laying of the gas supply line as well as the 110 KV line trenches were dug, which are filled with Dyckerhoff CANADUR. This liquid soil is self-compacting like a jacket around pipes and pipes. So settlement-free backfills and cavity-free cable beds are achievable.

The power plant is ready for use within a short time and thus ideally suited for use in the context of the energy turnaround, as it can react flexibly to fluctuating electricity production of renewable energies in times of wind or little solar radiation.

The Mainz civil engineering company W.K. Kaufmann will process about 500 m³ of CANADUR from autumn 2017 to spring 2018. Which is delivered in mixer trucks by the Dyckerhoff concrete plant in Wiesbaden.