
Declaration of principles of Dyckerhoff GmbH

Dyckerhoff GmbH, part of the Buzzi Group, which operates internationally primarily in the production and sale of cement and ready-mix concrete, attaches particular importance to improving the capability of the Dyckerhoff organization to detect possible human rights violations along its supply chains and the social organization of business relationships with a view to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which is relevant for the entire Group. It considers this, as well as measures to mitigate and prevent human rights violations, to be a fundamental component of responsible corporate governance. This declaration of principles supplements and specifies our Code of Conduct with regard to compliance with human rights.

Dyckerhoff GmbH is committed to respecting, protecting and upholding the human rights of individuals. We stand by this responsibility as Dyckerhoff GmbH.

According to the Buzzi Group's understanding, respect for human rights includes paying fair wages, working towards appropriate local working conditions and preventing the exploitation of children, as expressed in the annually published sustainability report. Furthermore, equal rights for women and men are a matter of course for Dyckerhoff GmbH. It is also Buzzi Group’s view that no one is discriminated against because of their gender, origin, race, language, country of origin, faith, religious or political beliefs or disability. Forced labor is rejected, as is human trafficking. Dyckerhoff GmbH is committed to these guidelines, which are also laid down in the Buzzi Group's Code of Conduct, and trains its employees to live by these values. This begins with the conscious perception of violations of these principles, which are taken up and dealt with via defined processes and then lead to suitable measures for the company.

Dyckerhoff GmbH has established an appropriate and effective Group-wide risk management system in order to be able to identify and analyze violations of human rights in its own business area and along the supply chain in good time. One important component of the risk management system is the software of a specialist provider of compliance measures, which we use to check systematically and on a risk basis whether human rights are being observed within the Dyckerhoff Group and by our suppliers. Following an abstract assessment of risks, i.e. analysis of sector-specific and country-specific risks of our suppliers for human rights and environmental risks, if risks are identified to the required extent a concrete risk analysis is performed by using specific questionnaires. This aims to check the plausibility of the results of the abstract risk analysis by individually identifying, weighting and prioritizing concrete human rights and environmental risks in their specific context. We define and implement the necessary measures to reduce identified human rights and environmental risks or address them within the supply chain. We regularly evaluate the appropriateness and effectiveness of the risk assessment carried out in this way and any necessary implementation of measures.

The supply chain-related risk management system is rounded off by an appropriate complaints procedure. Dyckerhoff GmbH provides reporting channels for anyone who becomes aware of illegal conduct or violations of laws or the Code of Conduct by employees of Dyckerhoff GmbH or its subsidiaries in order to ensure the confidentiality of the reporting person. This also applies to human rights violations and environmental risks caused by the economic activities of a company in its own business area or a direct supplier of Dyckerhoff GmbH or its subsidiaries.

The reports can be submitted (also for all subsidiaries of Dyckerhoff GmbH in Germany – cement and concrete) as follows:

  • via email to: 
  • via phone +49 611 676-0 (please ask to be put through to the Internal Audit department)
  • via mail to

Dyckerhoff GmbH
Internal Audit
Biebricher Strasse 68
65203 Wiesbaden, Germany

The reporting channels also offer the opportunity to respond to any substantiated indications concerning indirect suppliers. After the end of each calendar year, Dyckerhoff GmbH will report on the fulfillment of its due diligence obligations on its website within the first four months of the following year.

Wiesbaden, January 2024

Management of Dyckerhoff GmbH