
Carbon Disclosure Project rewards Buzzi's commitment
15 February 2024

Carbon Disclosure Project rewards Buzzi's commitment

As part of the company's decarbonization strategy, after the validation of our CO2 emissions reduction target by the Science Based Target initiative (SBTi), in 2023 Buzzi participated in the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) questionnaire, receiving the B score. In this way, the company has furthered its commitment to environmental transparency by disclosing its ecological footprint.

CDP is a global non-profit organization that runs the world’s leading environmental disclosure platform: it collects data on greenhouse gas emissions and their management and evaluates companies based on the information collected and their performance. Its methodology provides for the assignment of a score to participating companies, based on the disclosure completeness, awareness and management of climate risks and the demonstration of implementing best practices, such as setting ambitious goals.

By disclosing through CDP, Buzzi is prepared to respond to the increasing demand for sustanability transparency from financial institutions, customers and policymakers.

For more information visit the website