Corporate Governance - heading


Increased Voting Right

The Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting of May 9, 2024 resolved to amend Article 5 of the By-Laws in order to introduce the institution of the “increased voting right” referred to in Article 127-quinquies, paragraph 1, of Legislative Decree No. 58/1998.

The By-Laws provides that two votes shall be attributed for each share owned by a shareholder who has requested to be registered in the Special List - maintenance and updated by the company - and who has maintained it for an uninterrupted period of at least twenty-four months from the date of enrolment in said List.

Interested Shareholders may submit, exclusively through their intermediary with whom their Shares are deposited, a request for registration in the Special List using the form provided herein.

On May 9, 2024, the Board of Directors, by virtue of the authority delegated to it by the company’s Shareholders' Meeting of May 9, 2024, adopted the regulations set forth herein to regulate the procedures for the enrolment, maintenance and updating of the Special List in compliance with the Law, the company’s By-Laws and best market practices.